Thursday, October 16, 2008

Government: My View of How the Law Should Look at Marriage

Here is a further explanation of why government shouldn't even touch marriage.
Marriage as an institution could be looked at in this way: Instead of a "secular right," it should be a religious rite. (Please note the difference in spelling.) This would remove it from any legal standing, and it would no longer be a concern of government. There would be no privileges bestowed for marriage, except within religious organizations, which individuals are free to join, or not. Nobody's civil rights would be infringed upon as no rights would be granted by the government ... it just would not be any of the governments business. As long as the government controls the institution of marriage then different groups, with different agendas, will continually fight to write the rules. It will be a never-ending battle.
I want to be clear that this is my view. If there is any flaw in it, then it comes from my own muddle-headed thinking. Comments, suggestions, and questions can be directed to