Thursday, October 2, 2008

Politics: The rush to pass the President's Bailout by those who not long ago were ready to Impeach him

Here's a question: Why is it that so many commentators and opponents of the President, the ones who have accused the him of lying about Iraq, saying he duped us into an unnecessary war, suddenly believe him about the need for $700 billion or the economy comes to a standstill? Not only do they believe him, they are willing to swiftly pass his legislation (only attaching their pet interests to the bill), handing him our money, and the power to distribute it (through his Secretary) as he sees fit to, and have the audacity to tell us we need to trust them. No, I don't trust them at all!

I have had to trust the President over the war in Iraq because he is privy to information that I'm not. But economic principles are not hidden, they are not secret. The moment anybody tells me that trusting them is necessary, and at the same time asking me to open my wallet wider so they can pick from it, the self-defense mechanisms kick in. The politicians have used nothing but scare-tactics, telling the public that the economy will grind to a halt if this legislation doesn't pass. What is more likely is that if there was more time to examine this Americans would mount to great of an opposition to this foolish legislation.

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