Monday, October 20, 2008

Politics: Boudreaux on politicians

Cafe Hayek is a blog that I visit often. Several economists post there, among them is Donald Boudreaux. Here is part of what he had to say today.

I can no more imagine myself behaving as a successful politician behaves -- kissing babies in public; telling strangers that I feel their pain; assuring strangers that I'm to be trusted to spend their money more wisely than then will spend it -- than I can imagine myself being a mosquito or a venus fly trap. It is simply inconceivable that any decent human being would behave in ways that the typical politician behaves.

And yet, so many people -- so many decent people -- believe in (or at least crave, child-like) secular salvation through secular saviors. It's no surprise, then, that persons unashamed to act deceitfully and disingenuously crawl out from under their rocks to pose as saviors.

We need to expect more out of our politicians. More morals, more honesty, more consistancy. Comments, suggestions, and questions can be directed to